Friday, 6 November 2009

Chapter 8.

So far i am enjoying Dracula a lot of mix genres are included for example romance, mystery and Gothic. Mina and Lucy's journals and letters are more fit for the romance genre due to Lucy's constant talk of her love Aurthur. i particularly like the line where Mina's describing Lucy 'If Mr holmwood fell in love...before proposing or accepting' Lucy and Mina i think have a strong and loving relationship.

Lucy's sleepwalking at this stage is particularly bad due to her walking to the church in just her night clothes. Mina's description of the mysterious figure again sounds a lot like Dracula from the description of his 'white face and red gleaming eyes' Also the mention of the two red points on Lucy's neck raises superstition of the possibility that she may of been bitten by a vampire.

Mina seems overwhelmed at the long awaited news from Jonathan. The news of his illness and his delirious speakings of wolves, poison, blood etc leaves the reader contemplating what could of hap pend at the counts castle.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Chapter 7

First of all i like the style of the newspaper clipping from Mina's Journal. So far i enjoy Bram Stokers style of novel as it flips from journal to letter to newspaper clipping.

I think that the novel is becoming more mysterious each time, this chapter i found was more horror then the gothic genre for the reason that ghosts and death are mentioned alot. Dog's were mentioned alot in this chapter could this relate to the were wolves that Jonathan harker saw?

Also the ships log mention of a man that fits Draculas description could that be him? if so why was he there and isnt it coinsedental that this occured near to where Mina lives?
I enjoyed this chapter as there was alot of drama happening all of the time.

Friday, 9 October 2009

Chapter 6

From this chapter i really like Minas character. I like the way she describes her surounding and the people around her she also seems to care alot as she is worried about her friend and her problems. She finally mentions Jonathan and is worried about him as he has only contacted her once which she dosnt think was actually him

The gothic genre is this time refferd to with the talk of myths and legends of grave stones and killings relating to this Doctor Sewards diary was quite strange with the talk of spiders and flies im not really sure what to think of him yet, he clearly loves Lucy but im not sure as to what he is going to persue with her and her lover.

Thursday, 8 October 2009


I didn't particular enjoy this chapter as it was completely off of the main story which i was currently into I'm aware it does have a purpose for the novel but I'm not particularly sure how it has yet. Jonathan was hardly mentioned in the letters and I'm not sure why the main character was Lucy in this chapter instead of Mina.

It did not fit into the Gothic genre but instead the romance genre which is quite a good change. My favourite part of this chapter was the last two letter wrote by the two men as it causes suspense as we are not sure what they are doing.

I also liked the fact that the style has been changed to letters instead of a journal and that the other characters are now involved with the novel. We have found out more information about Mina from the two letters she had sent to Lucy understanding her character and role in the novel.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Chapter 5 - Jonathan Harkers Journal (continued)

I really enjoyed this chapter as there was a lot happening especially as Jonathan has realised exactly who and what Dracula is. I liked the part when the mother was screaming for her child as it truly shows what Dracula is capable of and also the fact that Jonathan was given the chance to leave but Dracula obviously had other plans.

Another good thing about this chapter it truly portraits the Gothic genre for example the wolves, the blood, the coffin and a dark dingy room. I like how the author has made Jonathan angry by Dracula being asleep but he still has an expression on his face as to say laughing at Jonathan.

I'm not particularly sure how Jonathan is going to escape from the room and how the story is going to carry on. I'm starting to actually enjoy reading the book and look forward to finding out how he is going to escape.

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Chapter 3 - Jonathan Harker's Journal (continued)

I didnt particuallarly enjoy this chapter until the end scene.I found the Chapter quite strange. I didnt like the part when Dracula was talking about the history of Translyvania i got bored at this part. But i thought this chapter was descriptive and made a clear image in my head.

My favourite part so far was the part when the girls were introduced it created alot of suspence as to what and who the girls were and what exactly they were doing and talking about. Draculas reaction to they were doing was suprising and again the question came up as to why he was doing this. The reader still dosnt fully understand Dracula and his plans With Jonathan.

Chapter 2 - Jonathan Harker's Journal (continued)

In this chapter Dracula is properly introduced a full detailed description of his appearance is given.He comes across as quite friendly and polite to Jonathan but is also mysterious due to his continuous disappearing. He also comes across as slightly weird for example his talk of the 'children of the night' and his keen interest into England.

I think Jonathan is becoming aware of Dracula more now, i particularly like the quote...
' I am all in a sea of wonders. I doubt; i fear; i think strange things which i dare not confess to my own soul God keep me, if only for the sake of those dear to me!'
I think it truly shows Jonathan's emotions and thoughts at the current time.

My favourite part of this chapter is when Jonathan cuts himself shaving. I like the way Dracula responds to this by grabbing his neck but then retaliating when he finds the crucifix. This gives the reader the thought again why did he act in such a strange manner to a cut? another mysterious factor is that Dracula couldn't not be seen in the shaver glass. Why was this? and also that there was no mirrors around at all, which is quite peculiar in such a big place. The fact that Dracula throws the glass out of the window gives the impression that he has something to hide. Possibly he may have realised that his reflection by Jonathan could not be seen.

At the end of the chapter Jonathan realises he is locked in the castle ' The castle is a vertiabke prison and i am a prisoner!'. This i found was abit of a twist in the story so far, due to Draculas friendly and polite attitude. Why would he of locked Jonathan away? and What did he want from him?

Friday, 25 September 2009

Chapter 1- Jonathan Harker's Journal

My opinion on Bram Stoker's Dracula first chapter is that allot of suspense is used. The reader is left with alot of questions to ask. The chapter seems to go straight into the story all ready allot has taken place and the Count Dracula is all ready introduced and known of, he sets of a mysterious vibe making the reader want to know more about him. We find out brief information about John Harker but not everything. The Gothic genre is clearly used alot with descriptions and events which take place in the chapter

The crucifix is mentioned several time's as to when the Old lady gives it to him, the people in the street and the people in the bus especially when the Count Dracula is mentioned or is known this relates to the religious side also relating to evil.The people in the towns are trying to warn him for example the old lady urging him to stay 'Must you go? Oh! young Herr must you go?' Which leaves the question 'why?'

The description of the places of John Harker's visits are scripted with the Gothic sense alot of trees and darkness are mentioned Wolves and dogs are also mentioned quite abit again relating to the Gothic sense, as it gives the impression of were wolves 'All at once the wolves began to howl as though the moonlight had had some peculiar effect on them' This also relating to the mystery and suspense especially the scene when the wolves surrounded the coach.

My favourite passage so far is when Dracula himself writes a letter to John, the letter comes across as a friendly letter but it also comes across as a little fake and maybe having something more to it. It is also important as it is the first impression we have of Dracula, this is also my prediction for the Count Dracula, which is saying that he has alot more to show us as to what we are perceiving now.